As its name indicates, the Global White Passport is a physical document in passport format, certifying that the holder is a citizen of the world or global citizen. Although it’s a symbolic passport for all intents and purpose , above all it’s a passport of friendship and respect towards the rest of the nations living on our planet. You can use it to present yourself to the rest of the world, as your choose. You can freely decide which details to put on you Global White Passport . So it’s a free, personal passport.

At the same time it’s an assertion. This claim is already included in article 13 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, informing us that each and every person in the world has the right to freedom of movement.

If you agree with this and you’d also like to foster friendship between the different countries and nations of the world, then this is the passport for you. Once you’ve completed the form, putting in the details that you want to be included, and after making payment, your passport will be sent to the address you’ve indicated. You simply need to add your photo and signature. From then onwards, you’ll be able to travel with it and, using it correctly, you’ll notice better treatment.